2 thoughts on “TW200 For Sale

  1. i was looking at your tw200 for sale and i think you did a great job, just wondering what is the asking price for that orange and black tw 200. Also i was more inclined towards the brat style silver and black one you did a while back. If possible can the changes be done?

    • Changes can be done as jobs are all custom, however costs may vary as there are many ways to achieve a similar result. All these can only be fully communicate to a customer during an actual visit with an actual bike. To explain, a source bike could be at various state of wear (rust, wear & tear) etc, and it will be impossible to quote correctly unless we can be sure of the client’s bike or his commitment to the project. Thanks for understanding. For more price/info of bikes, please reach us by email or message us on FB – info(at)customburner.com.

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